Although TES has largely failed to scale to date, solutions have emerged to deliver on the technology's promise to decarbonize heat and power. Now, Serbia-based Storenergy has developed a modular, packed-bed TES solution that uses recycled ceramic as a storage medium. The material is sourced from Masdar City-based Seramic Materials, which obtains recycled ceramic from industrial solid waste, such as steel slag, and can store temperatures up to 1,250 C. “We opted for this material as it involves no complicated parts, toxic chemicals or materials,” Marko Vuksanovic, CEO of Storenergy, told pv magazine. In Storenergy's system, the ...
Heineken y Engie han iniciado la construcción en Sevilla de la que será la primera planta de generación de energía termosolar, un proyecto "pionero" presentado este lunes que, con una inversión de 20 millones de euros, entrará en funcionamiento el próximo junio y permitirá que el 75% de la energía utilizada por esta fábrica sea completamente renovable. La iniciativa cuenta con algunos datos faraónicos: ocupará una superficie equivalente a ocho campos de fútbol, evitará la emisión de 7.000 toneladas de CO2 al año y permitirá reducir un 60% el consumo de gas fósil de la fábrica sevillana. Beneficios que ...
Heliogen is a California based company that is combining ordinary materials like rocks and mirrors with artificial intelligence to revolutionize the solar industry and make industrial processes more eco-friendly. The alternative energy space has been heating up this past decade. With money pouring in from both the private and public sector, the industry is poised to get even hotter. But few businesses in the space can bring the heat like Heliogen, a Southern California concentrated solar power company. Concentrated solar power (CSP) is generated by coordinating a series of mirrors or lenses to reflect a large area of sunlight at ...


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